Growing up as a Khmerican in Provo, UT, I didn’t feel like I fit in anywhere. In 1995 I found bboying and it consumed me. I loved it. The Hip Hop community didn’t have color, race or religion. Loving the music, I naturally was intrigued by DJing and turntablism. In 1999 I took my tax returns and bought 2 turntables, a mixer and a handful of records. From that point I just sat in my room and practiced everyday and every night. Later on I met a group of like-minded DJ’s: Abstrak, Skratchmo and Soulkutts. The four of us started a group called The Crate Dwellers. I learned so much from these guys through their knowledge and talent.
Chandara “Chu” Chuon, 34
Salt Lake City, UT
Photo by Terry Post