Hello, my name is Anna, and I’m from Southern California. My neighborhood was very diverse and so I grew up aware of other cultures. It also made me appreciate my own heritage, because of the many different ethnicities. My parents made sure to instill values of tradition. They are my role models. We have shared and been through everything together. I wouldn’t be the same person without them.They keep me humble. To me knowing about my parents native culture is important because they fought so hard to bring me here. It’s my appreciation to them.
Currently I work full-time and attend school. In the future I look forward to being a physician assistant. In my personal time I enjoy being active and writing. I love kids and working with them as a career would be amazing. I also see myself with a large family of my own, and being happy.
I traveled to Cambodia once before. It’s a beautiful place, and I loved visiting the Angkor Wat.