My name is Meng So and I am just a young passionate individual who loves bringing together positive thinking people. Some fun facts: I love traveling, playing, and watching basketball. Go Warriors! I am conversational in Khmer — fluent in learning, loving, and laughing. Close friends jokingly refer to me as the persistent optimist.
My family is the driving force for the work I do as Director of the Undocumented Student Program at UC Berkeley. I am devoted to using every platform I have to transform educational inequities that impacts first generation, low-income, and undocumented students. Put in context of my family’s journey — they didn’t know where they were going to go, or how they were going to survive — for me to be in this current position, it’s humbling and my responsibility to pay it forward.
I am deeply grateful for the work that Khmerican is doing to affirm our identity, trigger our imaginations, and lift our spirits as a Cambodian community. One of my favorite MLK quotes is, “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope”. We are the livings ancestors and children of those who would not die, of those who would not quit. May we continue to embrace and ignite love in each other to build towards a future of hope and healing. Thank you, to each and everyone of you — for sharing this collective journey — and for being that hope and the love the community and world needs.
With great energy, loving determination, and ready to change the world together…